Brake pads are important - you don’t need them to go, but you do need them to stop. At Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL, we like to keep your vehicle stopping exactly as it should - it’s less dangerous, and it keeps insurance premiums low. So, how do you know if your brake pads are going bad? How do they work? What even are they? We’ve got the answers!
So, you’ve determined your transmission is bad. What next? Choosing what to do can be overwhelming, and you need someone you can trust to help you decide what work needs to be done. Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL is here to help you make the right decision when it comes to your transmission. There are a few things to consider when your transmission goes out. You might feel inclined to just get a new car, but should you?
Coolant leaks can be a pain - they’re elusive and have a lot of damage potential. Fortunately, at Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL, our technicians know exactly how to diagnose and repair a coolant leak, no matter where it is. Knowing more about where these coolant leaks appear and why they're a problem will help you to recognize a problem and get it repaired before it does further damage.
At Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL, we know that transmissions are witchcraft to most people. More often than not, if major damage has occurred, it’s a lot more time and cost-effective to just replace the entire unit and get a fresh start. Our trained technicians at Coffman's Truck Service & Towing want to keep you informed so you are aware of what to look out for.
There are a few things that matter when mounting new tires on your truck or commercial vehicle. First, you want it done right. Second, you want it done fast. For both, Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL has you covered. We've been trained to do it right the first time and make sure you're satisfied.
Your brake master cylinder is an integral part of your brake system. When one fails, some odd symptoms may arise, and it may be difficult to diagnose. Here’s some information to help you decide if yours has gone bad. At Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL we want you to know what to look out for so that you can be safely on the road.
What condition are your tires in? At Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL, we want to make sure you can tell if your tires are in good condition or ready to be replaced. A simple visual inspection is all you need - it’s easy if you know what to look for. Our technicians have been trained to identify trouble before it hurts your vehicle, but they can also help you understand how to keep your eyes open for serious issues.
Whether you drive a Duramax, Cummins, or Powerstroke diesel pickup, you have an exhaust system that is prone to failure. When you have a leak that needs attention, Coffman's Truck Service & Towing in Danville, IL can help.
510 Junction St
| Danville, IL
(217) 446-1555
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